
Moz Hack Night

29th Sept 2018
Supported by Mozilla Phoenix Club RGI

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Moz Hack Night

Moz Hack Night is an initiative by Mozilla Phoenix Club Radharaman Group of Insitutes.
This hackathon is being conducted by RGI college, one of best institutes in MP state of India.
It is being conducted as an effort to motivate students to contribute to Mozilla Projects.
This 12 hours hackathon,focusing on involving more student developers in the Open Source World,
will start with few talk on interesting topics & then student will work on their hacks under guidance of mentors.


Open Source


29th September
6PM to 6AM


  1. Organisation will not provide any accomodation to any indvidual.
  2. Organisation will provide transport only for bhopal area.
  3. Dinner will be provided.
  4. Emergency medical facility will be avilable.


Q. How to register?

1.Click on the register button.
2.Fill out the form details correctly.
3.Click on the submit button.
4.You will get confirmation message on submitting the form.

Q.How and when will i hear back?

We would start shortlisting the candidate from mid September You will get a mail from us if you get shortlisted.

Q. When i am expected to reach Bhopal?

MOZ HACK NIGHT is a 12 hour hackathon that will start on 29th of September at 6:00 PM. You are expected to reach us latest by 29th September,5:00 PM as there will be an orientation session before the hackathon starts.

Q. How to reach Radharaman Bhopal?

Bhopal is well connected to all major cities of india by train. There is also a domestic airport in Bhopal .

Q. How much does it cost to attend?

Zero. MOZ HACK NIGHT is free for everyone. We won't charge you anything to Participate.

Q. what if i filled wrong credentials by mistake in the form?

you can get re-registered with correct details.


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    29th Sep (Saturday)

  1. 05:00 PM : Gates Open :)
  2. 06:00 PM : Introduction to Open Source and Mozilla Activate Campaign
  3. 07:00 PM : Lightning talk on MozVR
  4. 08:00 PM : Introduction to Mozilla Web Extensions
  5. 09:00 PM : Hacking Start
  6. 10:00 PM : Dinner
  7. 11:00 PM : Hacking Continue
  8. 04:30 AM : Code Submission
  9. 05:30 AM : Result Declaration
  10. 05:45 AM : Closing Notes

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Q. What is Moz Hack Night?

Moz Hack Night is an activity that the student performs as an independent developer.

Q. Where does Moz Hack Night take place?

Radharaman Group Of Institutes, Ratibad, Bhopal

Q. What should I prepare prior to the Hackathon?

You should read about Web Virtual Reality.

Q. What do I get by completing Moz Hack Night?

Awesome goodies and swags :)

Q. Who can participate?

Any college or university students(1st year to Final year) are welcome to participate! If you are passionate about programming and are interested in open source contribution

Q.Which Programming language would be prefered?

You should have knowledge - HTML, CSS & JavaScript..

Q.Can we participate this event as an individual or in a       team?

You can participate as an individual, teams are not allowed.

Q. What if I'm stuck in between?

Thats totally OK! We're going to have mentors to support you during the hackathon.

Q.On what basis will my project be judged?

Oraganization's Mentor will judge project at end of the Hackathon.

Q. What if this FAQ didn’t answer my questions?

Reach out to us at aashish050697@gmail.com,  Rishabhkhare314@gmail.com for any other queries !



In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as speakers, attendees and organizers at Mozilla pledge to making participation in our event and community a
harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance,

race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
  • Using welcoming and inclusive language
  • Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
  • Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
  • Focusing on what is best for the community
  • Showing empathy towards other community members

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    Speaker Name

    Ram Dayal Vaishnav

    Mozilla Tech Speaker
    Mozilla Representative

    Mukesh Pathak

    Mukesh Pathak

    Mozilla Representative
    Founder & CEO of

    Aashish Kumar

    Aashish Kumar

    Co-Organizer and Club Captain

    rishabh khare

    Rishabh khare

    Technical head

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    Co-Organizer & Club Captain




    Radharaman Group Of Institutes

    Ratibad, Bhopal

    Madhya Pradesh , 462044